Sunday, January 22, 2006


"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

Galatians 5:13

"You have been called to live in freedom, not freedom to satisfy your own sinful nature, but freedom to serve one another in love."

Nothing matters in life except for the things you do. You are not measured by the things you wanted to do, but on your actions.

Therefore your actions define who you are. A person's perception of who you are, is the reality. What you say and do (don't say or don't do) is perceived by a person. Your actions are then interpreted by that person primarily using their emotions - i.e., how they are feeling about themselves at the moment; the fear or excitement of the situation they are connected to;

What you do or don't do is therefore becoming a subconcious foundation for that person's attachment, feelings, and expectations for you.

Do unmistakably clear selfless acts of service for the people in your life.

We are free to make any choices we want - our freedom should be used to do the right things, not because we are supposed to, but because we want to!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

4 little words

Listening and learning...Learning and listening...anticipating and moving along.

Is this the way towards that One? Or have I followed the moment and track of those that have tried to do the work on their own before me?

If I continue to move along this well worn path, will I reach the goals, the location that He wants me to be?

My schedule. My calendar. My alarm-clock. They all have been screaming. I have missed the bus towards my destination.

I continue to lead. I continue to chase my tail. I am moving in a direction at my own speed and measured bearing; my travels are eventful and uninspiring.

4 little words: "GOD keeps His promises"

If I continue to move towards my goals without checking with His guidance, I will be lost and will continue to spin my wheels.

It is with Him that I move in the right direction. I have to remember my alarms are set on my schedule. My agenda and God's plans sometimes compete - God goes by his agenda, not yours!

Which will I choose? In order to move forward, someone has to lay down and allow the other to "win". I can choose to go "my way" or "God's way"!

Matthew 26:6
Genesis 21:1-7